
A handful of presentations

Lorcan Dempsey 3 min read

I just noticed how out-and-about my OR colleagues have been in the last few months. Here is a note about presentations since September, pulling in a variety of things in passing.
System and service architectures
David Bigwood asked recently about the Microsoft Research Pane. We have been using it as a way of providing services into applications which sit in a Windows environment. Our terminology services work is described here. In doing this work we developed a gateway between SRU and the Research Pane, which means that we can bring up any SRU-compatible resource within a Microsoft environment. This is actually quite useful.
WikiD is a framework for managing multiple structured datasets and services on them. Built around the OpenURL 1.0 specification it has a wiki-style interface, and is now being used to support a variety of applications at OCLC.

Diane Vizine-Goetz

Terminology Services Project & DeweyBrowser (PowerPoint:1.95MB/34slides)

32nd Annual ASTED Conference (PDF:1.5MB/52pp.), 12 November 2005, Montr�al (Canada)[Presentations [OCLC – Research]]

Jeff Young

WikiD (Wiki/Data) (PowerPoint:397K/30slides)

DLF Fall Forum, 8 November 2005, Charlottesville, Virginia (USA) [Presentations [OCLC – Research]]

Data mining
These presentations talk about some of the ways in which we are trying to extract intelligence from Worldcat – making the accumulated investment in library metadata work harder to answer questions about collections and services. Here there are discussions about trying to bring together publisher names, look at relative patterns of print and digital serial holdings, present world publishing and collections patterns graphically, and, finally, to overview some of the projects looking at what we can say about collections based on aggregate holdings data, of which the analysis of the Google 5 library collections has already received some notice.

Lynn Silipigni Connaway and Akeisha Heard

Publisher Name Authority Project: An Attempt to Enhance Data Mining for Collection Analysis & Comparison (PowerPoint:183K/39slides)

XXV Annual Charleston Conference, 04 November 2005, Charleston, South Carolina (USA) [Presentations [OCLC – Research]]

Chandra Prabha and Carolyn Hank

Journals: Subscriptions, Substitutions, Cancellations (PowerPoint:148K/23slides)

XXV Annual Charleston Conference, 03 November 2005, Charleston, South Carolina (USA) [Presentations [OCLC – Research]]

Lynn Silipigni Connaway and Clifton Snyder

What in the World? Geographical Representation of Library Collections in WorldCat: A Prototype (PowerPoint:332K/18slides)

ASIS&T 2005 Annual Meeting, 01 November 2005, Charlotte, North Carolina (USA) [Presentations [OCLC – Research]]

Brian Lavoie

G5 Paper and Data Mining (PowerPoint:110K/14 slides)

OCLC Members Council Research and New Technologies Interest Group, 24 October 2005, Dublin, Ohio (USA) [Presentations [OCLC – Research]]

A topic whose time has come again. A general overview and some specific work with taxonomy identifers.

Stu Weibel

Issues in Managing Persistent Identifiers (PowerPoint:145K/27 slides)

OAI 4, 20 October 2005, CERN, Gen�ve (Switzerland) [Presentations [OCLC – Research]]

Eric Childress, Andrew Houghton, and Diane Vizine-Goetz

OCLC and Vocabulary Identifiers (PowerPoint:288K/13 slides)

Presented by Eric Childress at DC-2005: Vocabularies in Practice, the International Conference on Dublin Core and Metadata Applications, 13 September 2005, Madrid (Spain) [Presentations [OCLC – Research]]

Managing bibliographic data … differently
The library has a large investment in structured metadata – this can be made work harder to provide rich user experiences. It can also be brought to the user within different service models. Here are some presentations that discuss these issues, alongside others. Specific issues covered are how we are clustering data at work level (the FRBR model), using classification structures to provide structured browse options, exposing catalog data on the web, and our experiments with user contributed data. Thom relates these to some wider developments.

Thom Hickey

The Future of the Library Catalog: Open, Interactive, Participatory (PowerPoint:4.3MB/36slides)

FedLink Fall Members Meeting (PDF:77K/1p.), 9 November 2005, Library of Congress, Washington, DC (USA) [Presentations [OCLC – Research]]

Diane Vizine-Goetz

DeweyBrowser & Curiouser (PPT:1.1MB/18slides)

OCLC Members Council Research and New Technologies Interest Group, 24 October 2005, Dublin, Ohio (USA) [Presentations [OCLC – Research]]

Thom Hickey

New approaches to the catalog (PowerPoint:3.6MB/48slides)

Swedish Library Association , 28 October 2005, Stockholm (Sweden) [Presentations [OCLC – Research]]

Automatic cataloging and classification
An overview of approaches and possibilities.

Eric Childress

Auto Classification and Cataloging Topics (PowerPoint:104K/20slides)

OCLC Members Council Research and New Technologies Interest Group, 25 October 2005, Dublin, Ohio (USA) [Presentations [OCLC – Research]]

Preservation metadata

Brian Lavoie

Preservation Metadata: Setting the Scene (PDF:148K/14slides)

PREMIS and Preservation Metadata Standards (PDF:225K/14slides)

DPC Meeting on Preservation Metadata, 8 September 2005, British Library Conference Centre, London (UK) [Presentations [OCLC – Research]]

A couple of general reviews

Eric Childress

Pattern Recognition for Technical Services: Interpreting the OCLC Environmental Scan (PowerPoint:1.6MB/44 slides)

2005 Ohio Library Council Annual Conference & Exposition, 6 October 2005, Columbus, Ohio (USA). [Presentations [OCLC – Research]]

Lorcan Dempsey

The Library and the Network: Flattening the Library and Turning it Inside Out (PowerPoint:4.9MB/43 slides)

Access 2005, 19 October 2005, Edmonton, Alberta (Canada)

An audio recording of this presentation is available. (MP3:15.3MB/67min.) [Presentations [OCLC – Research]]

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