A couple of resources about learning, services and the network:
- Scott Wilson has a nice roundup of thoughts and examples under the heading elearning and web services [pdf].
- Edufilter is a new blog from Dave Tosh and Ben Werdmuller, the principals in Elgg:
Edufilter has been set up as a resource for those wanting to find out more about the various educational projects going on around the world and the people behind them. We will be discussing, reviewing and highlighting educational projects, software, services and research. [edufilter » About]
They have several interesting interviews on the site already, including one with Brad Wheeler talking about Sakai.
Seems to me that the intense focus on the relationship between library resources and instittutional learning environments has lessened a little in the last year or so. Perhaps, because folks are standing back a little as so much is still in flux?
I still wonder that we do not see more integration around reading lists, citation managers, and collaborative bookmarking approaches. Incidentally, I have not kept track of whether the RLI spec from IMS has been usefully deployed.
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