
BL web

Lorcan Dempsey 1 min read

I notice that the British Library has revamped its website.
They have also launched a new catalog in beta, using Primo. Currently it searches over 13M records for books and other materials, a major scholarly resource.
They also point to the just launched Europeana portal which has been remarked in various places in the last day or two. This brings together digitized collections from libraries, archives and museums from across the European Union.

Over 1,000 cultural organisations from across Europe have provided material for Europeana. Europe’s museums, including the Louvre in Paris and the Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam, have supplied digitised paintings and objects from their collections. State archives have made important national documents available, and France’s Institut National de l’Audiovisuel supplied 80,000 broadcasts recording the 20th century, right back to early footage shot on the battlefields of France in 1914. National libraries all over Europe have contributed printed and manuscript material, including digitised copies of the great books that brought new ideas into the world. [Now Online: “Europeana”, Europe’s Digital Library]

Finally, I like their Annual Report format, although it must present some preservation challenges 😉

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