
Bright is the old gray

Lorcan Dempsey 1 min read

Reading Walt’s latest Cites and Insights this jumped out at me:

I believe that gray literature—blogs, this ejournal, a few similar publications and some lists—represents the most compelling and worthwhile literature in the library field today. [Cites & Insights 7:9 – On the Literature]

Gray? Gray! Blogs, reports published on the web, web journals: these are brightly colored and shining. They are connected to the life of the web – link and search – and are visible, referencable and available.
In contrast most of the formal library literature is a very dreary affair. Dull publications, hidden for the most part from the web. Determined not to have any influence outside their niche. Gray, Gray, Gray ….
I think we need to revise our terms 😉
The web has shone a light on the formerly gray; the formally published seems to want to stay in the shadows and become the new gray.
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The social, cultural and technological contexts of libraries, services and networks

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