We use the following collections grid from time to time to help focus attention on particular collecting patterns in libraries. The bottom right hand corner represents materials that have not been highly stewarded and which are usually unique to a particular institution. The types of material which go in here are research and learning outputs (e.g. preprints, data sets, learning objects) and institutional administrative records (annual reports, and so on).
These share some characteristics. And in some ways, we can see them becoming the ‘special collections’ of the future when they move into more stewarded environments.
In this context I was interested to see the University of Minnesota’s Digital Conservancy. Effectively, it is looking at stewarding the material in that quadrant: institutional research materials and administrative records.
The University Digital Conservancy is a program of the University of Minnesota Libraries that provides long-term open access to a wide range of University works in digital formats. It does so by gathering, describing, organizing, storing, and preserving that content.
Works produced or sponsored by the University of Minnesota faculty, researchers, staff, and students are appropriate for deposit in the UDC. Works might include pre- and post-prints, working papers, technical reports, conference papers and theses.
Works produced or sponsored by administrative and academic units may also be appropriate for deposit in the UDC; see Regents’ policy on University Archives. Works might include digital departmental newsletters, administrative reports, compilations of University data, meeting agendas and minutes. [University of Minnesota Digital Conservancy: NO TITLE]