I do not know if these are related. But came across two interesting developments involving open source software at Duke recently … The first is an e-portfolio project which is working with Dspace as its repository.
An electronic portfolio is an organized, purposeful, collection of your personal achievements, course work, and projects. Here you can archive text, audio, and video files to include in online presentations or to display on the World Wide Web to potential employers and others inside and outside of the Duke Community.[Portfolio @ Duke : Home]
The second concerns the development of a content management system for academic environments based on Zope. The blurb emphasises loosely coupled federation using RSS and other approaches.
“Our challenge was political and institutional as much as technical. We needed a system that was very flexible, with open source code, that would encourage people to share resources and work together. Zope was responsive to our needs and we’re now working with them to create a CMS solution that we hope will transform Duke’s online activities. Zope will then adapt this solution in Zope4Edu for other universities with a similar ‘federated environment.'” [Zope | Zope Corporation Announces Zope4Edu and New Customer Duke University]