
Digital Curation Centre

Lorcan Dempsey 1 min read

The Digital Curation Centre has been formally launched, having been in operation for a while now. It brings together expertise from several centres to address critical data ‘curation’ issues moving forward. This is a part of the ongoing discussion about what constitutes the ‘record’ in a digital environment, and about how to ensure the reliability of that record over time.

Digital curation is a new term for two complementary areas of importance to scholarship, and much else: how to make the best of, and add value to that which is digital; how to ensure the longevity of what is well judged as having long term value. For both data curation and digital preservation there are challenges of large scale and of variety, and of competition for policy and funding priority, to be met by sharing insight, vocabulary and procedure for continuing and open access to the information that scholarship needs and the knowledge that it creates. [DCC Launch Event – Messages]

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