Research ∕ Learning

Digital natives and digital immigrants

Lorcan Dempsey 1 min read

An Ecar report contains findings of a survey of students at several universities. It looks at use of technologies in learning, and more generally. They quote a distinction made by Marc Prensky between digital natives (who grew up with the technology) and digital immigrants (who did not). The findings are generally not surprising; it is useful to have this summary.

This summary is based on quantitative data from nearly 4,500 freshmen and senior students at 12 higher education institutions. It focuses on what kinds of information technologies today’s students are using, with what levels of skill are they using them, how information technology use contributes to the undergraduate experience, and what value the use of IT adds in terms of learning. [EDUCAUSE | Resources | Resource Center Abstract]

The full report is available to subscribers; a summary to non-subscribers.

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Research ∕ Learning

Teaching: one year in

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