The new issue of Educause Review [EDUCAUSE REVIEW | November/December 2004, Volume 39, Number 6] has a section which surveys evolving technologies of 2004. They include spam management, legal P2Ps, learning objects, and the convergence of libraries, digital repositories, and web content management.
The last topic picks up the theme of convergence between evolving library and learning management systems. This has been the subject of much attention this last year, and of major local experiment.
I liked the note about portals:
Portal Overload. The vendors of student information systems, e-portfolio systems, course management systems, and library “automation” systems all promise a customizable experience and interface for users. Each contends that its portal product should serve as the launch point for the online educational experience. Will users appreciate the patchwork quilt of options? [EDUCAUSE REVIEW | November/December 2004, Volume 39, Number 6]
This echoes what I have written about portals elsewhere, and here rather more compactly.