ELF (e-learning framework) is an international initiative which aims to provide a context within which functional components can be identified, and then defined as web services. A goal appears to be a consistent communications and design framework within which to align development. Presentations from a recent conference are now available, embedded within a descriptive narrative.
An international perspective on the ELF was given by the partners from the US, Australia and Canada. They talked about the “what, why, who, where, and when” of development of an ELF. Dan [Rehak] opened by focussing on the “what” question. He said that there were many success stories in the e-learning landscape such as, Jorum, Ariadne, and Sakai etc. Despite this, we still do not have a common language to talk about developing e-learning system models. He showed a large number of very complex diagrams that have been used to describe e-learning system models and said that they had led to a great deal of confusion. We also use a large number of words to describe these models, e.g. architecture, design, infrastructure. He concluded that the ultimate aim is interoperability, but in order to get it we need to develop a common language to talk about tools and systems. [JISC e-Learning Programme – Building the ELF (e-Learning Framework) Community]