
Geek novels

Lorcan Dempsey 1 min read

Jack Schofield, pioneering technical journalist, and Guardian blogger, has polled his readers for their top ‘geek novels’. Check out his results. Here is his top fifteen:
1. The HitchHiker’s Guide to the Galaxy — Douglas Adams 85% (102)
2. Nineteen Eighty-Four — George Orwell 79% (92)
3. Brave New World — Aldous Huxley 69% (77)
4. Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? — Philip Dick 64% (67)
5. Neuromancer — William Gibson 59% (66)
6. Dune — Frank Herbert 53% (54)
7. I, Robot — Isaac Asimov 52% (54)
8. Foundation — Isaac Asimov 47% (47)
9. The Colour of Magic — Terry Pratchett 46% (46)
10. Microserfs — Douglas Coupland 43% (44)
11. Snow Crash — Neal Stephenson 37% (37)
12. Watchmen — Alan Moore & Dave Gibbons 38% (37)
13. Cryptonomicon — Neal Stephenson 36% (36)
14. Consider Phlebas — Iain M Banks 34% (35)
15. Stranger in a Strange Land — Robert Heinlein 33% (33)
A couple of things about the list. Would the result have been different if carried out from a US base? There are no women novelists. Ursula Le Guin? I am not sure what to make of this.
He has moved on and is looking at movies: you can leave a comment with candidates to go forward to the next stage.

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