
Google authors

Lorcan Dempsey 1 min read

I just came across Google Authors, a series of videos of guest speakers at Google. An interesting variety and different formats (lecture, interview, …). Many are interviewed by Eric Schmidt. Some household names (if you live in a BoBo household, to use the term coined by David Brooks, one of the interviewees [on youtube]) and some that were unfamiliar to me.
Indeed, such is the variety that I am not sure who to link to as examples 😉

In addition, we’ve just added our most important location yet: an online home at with a video archive of our events on YouTube. Just this year, we’ve hosted a great variety of authors, including Martin Amis, Strobe Talbott, Bob & Lee Woodruff, Jonathan Lethem, Don Tapscott, Senator Hillary Clinton, and Carly Fiorina. The subjects of their talks range from literary fiction to science fiction, sociology to technology, politics to business. [Official Google Blog: Authors@Google]

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lorcan dempsey dot net

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