Research ∕ Learning

Harvard tags

Lorcan Dempsey 1 min read

An interesting couple of videos [here and here] from a workshop organized by Harvard University Libraries on tagging.

Harvard University Libraries hosted a forum this week, “Social Tagging @ Harvard: A Del.ici.ous Alternative or Passing Flickr?,” that looked at the online practice of tagging and sought to weigh the separate techniques to determine the best method of taxonomy. [MediaBerkman » Blog Archive » Social Tagging @ Harvard: Part I]

Some general presentations about tagging, some discussion of social bookmarking sites (e.g. Connotea), citation management services (e.g. RefWorks), and some specific Harvard projects. This multi-sidedness makes it more interesting than some general tagging discussions. It was also interesting to see the steps the library has been taking to engage with general and specific initiatives.
Found via David Weinberger, who introduced the meeting and overviews some of the presentations.

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Research ∕ Learning

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