I have spent this last week in Hong Kong, hence the lightness in posting. I was pleased to be speaking at the Chinese University of Hong Kong at a conference named The academic librarian: dinosaur or phoenix focusing on change management, and later in the week at The Fiesole Collection Development Retreat at the University of Hong Kong. The staffs of the two libraries, and their directors, Colin Storey and Tony Ferguson respectively, were wonderful hosts and everybody was very well looked after.
I ate a lot of food and had very little sleep. I think that it was the first time that I was shifted 12 hours from home. An interesting experience: no need to change the time on any devices! Going there we flew over the North Pole. Coming back, I changed my seat thinking that I might see something interesting out the window. However, I was disappointed when the pilot announced that we were heading out over the Pacific towards Seattle.
The picture is by Lin Fengmian to whom an exhibition was devoted at the Hong Kong Museum of Art, by Hong Kong Harbour on the Kowloon side. I visited in the evening, when you can look back over to the spectacular, and spectacularly lit, skyline of Central.
More later ….
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