

Lorcan Dempsey 1 min read

Driving to yet another shopping opportunity this evening, I heard a story about ‘e-prescriptions’ on NPR. I was gobsmacked, as they say, when I heard a snippet from John Kerry, which included the word, interoperability, yes, that’s interoperability.
I looked up the transcript later:

“We have the technology. We have the interoperability. We know how to make this happen. But not enough people are embracing this rapidly enough,” said Sen. John Kerry (D-MA) at a Capitol Hill news conference last week. Kerry, along with several other Democrats and Republicans, is sponsoring a bill that would initially give doctors a bonus in their Medicare payments if they start e-prescribing. [NPR : Congress Looks to Require Electronic Prescriptions]

I wonder is it a word that current presidential hopefuls would be advised to use or to avoid 😉

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