
LeVan on Yee on mashups

Lorcan Dempsey

I mentioned Raymond Yee’s book on mashups a while ago and signaled that a fuller review would follow from my colleague Ralph LeVan. This has now appeared: Ralph reviews the book positively in the current issue of Ariadne.

I can’t imagine a more comprehensive book on mashups. This book would make a great textbook for a class on the topic. If you are a developer of mashups, this book must be in your reference library. However, if you’re looking for a gentle introduction to the topic, it may be more than you want. [News and Reviews: ‘Pro Web 2.0 Mashups: Remixing Data and Web Services’, Ariadne Issue 57]

Raymond is the originator of the useful and widely used phrase “gather, create, share” to characterise personal information use.

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