
Long Room Hub

Lorcan Dempsey 1 min read

The picture selected to accompany Robert Darnton’s article about research libraries in the New York Review of Books was of the Long Room in Trinity College Dublin.
Robin Adams mentioned this at the RLG Programs Digitization and the Humanities: Impact on Libraries and Special Collections Symposium earlier today.
He also mentioned an interesting initiative to which the Long Room has given its name: The Long Room Hub:

The Trinity Long Room Hub initiative will facilitate the College’s strategic development of research in the Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences through the fuller exploitation of the College’s outstanding research collections and the creation of a community of scholars across a range of disciplines. It will seek to answer questions about human identity in global contexts, focussing research energies and thereby helping to realise the creative potential of Trinity College as a great national and international institution. [Home – The Long Room Hub: A Research Resource – Trinity College Dublin]

It will seek to consolidate and enhance the Library’s holdings, while serving as the material basis of a wide variety of research projects, programmes, research centres and individual scholarly endeavours. [Home – The Long Room Hub: A Research Resource – Trinity College Dublin]

Developed with funding support under a national initiative, it presents a very interesting range of activities, including research themes/projects, events, fellowships, funding opportunities and podcasts.

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