
MSN sandbox

Lorcan Dempsey

Along the lines of Google Labs, and even, dare I say, our own ResearchWorks, is the MSN Sandbox.

This is the place to play with new MSN technologies, look at prototypes, and peek behind the scenes at some of our new ideas. Let us know what you think about how we can improve MSN for you. Thanks for visiting the Sandbox. [MSN Sandbox]

Among the items showcased are:

  • Lookout email search tool – I have been using this for a little while now and find it useful for finding emails. It searches through email folders, calendar, etc.
  • MSN search technology preview – with “a brand new algorithmic search engine under the hood”
  • MSN toolbar
  • Several other tools and services.

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The social, cultural and technological contexts of libraries, services and networks

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