
Net gen again

Lorcan Dempsey 1 min read

From the Economist review of Don Tapscott’s latest book, Grown up digital. Young people are fine, he argues, it is baby boomers who are befuddled.

Contrary to the claims that video games, Facebook and constant text-messaging have robbed today’s young of the ability to think, Mr Tapscott believes that “Net Geners” are the “smartest generation ever”. The experience of parents who grew up watching television is misleading when it comes to judging the 20,000 hours on the internet and 10,000 hours playing video games already spent by a typical 20-year-old American today. “The Net Generation is in many ways the antithesis of the TV generation,” he argues. One-way broadcasting via television created passive couch potatoes, whereas the net is interactive, and, he says, stimulates and improves the brain …

… Mr Tapscott identifies eight norms that define Net Geners, which he believes everyone should take on board to avoid being swept away by the sort of generational tsunami that helped Barack Obama beat John McCain. Net Geners value freedom and choice in everything they do. They love to customise and personalise. They scrutinise everything. They demand integrity and openness, including when deciding what to buy and where to work. They want entertainment and play in their work and education, as well as their social life. They love to collaborate. They expect everything to happen fast. And they expect constant innovation. [The generation raised on the internet | The kids are alright | The Economist]

Via Memex 1.1. My copy of the Economist never seems to arrive on time 😉

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The decentered library network presence

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Lorcan Dempsey dot Net

The social, cultural and technological contexts of libraries, services and networks

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