Latest posts (Page 3)
Working with Ghost: a review

Working with Ghost: a review

This site is built with Ghost and the Krabi template. I use it for blogging and as a professional home on the web. Why Ghost? Here are some initial thoughts. Ask me again in a year's time .
Lorcan Dempsey 16 min read
A new web presence: transitions and towers

A new web presence: transitions and towers

This is a new web presence for Lorcan Dempsey! My goal is to provide a contact point and to bring together various elements of my work, writing and career. In part I am influenced by the decentralizing impulse to control your own archive.
Lorcan Dempsey 5 min read
Presentation: The RLUK Digital Shift Forum

Presentation: The RLUK Digital Shift Forum

I was pleased to inaugurate the RLUK Digital Shift Forum, with a presentation on Pandemic effects and collection directions. I was especially pleased to be kindly introduced by my longstanding colleague Robin Green, University Librarian at Warwick University, and current chair of RLUK.
Lorcan Dempsey 2 min read

Lorcan Dempsey dot Net

The social, cultural and technological contexts of libraries, services and networks

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