I note that the Google Print Library program is being paused. It will be interesting to see what happens next: play, rewind, fast forward …?
Adam Smith writes in the Google Blog:
We think most publishers and authors will choose to participate in the publisher program in order introduce their work to countless readers around the world. But we know that not everyone agrees, and we want to do our best to respect their views too. So now, any and all copyright holders – both Google Print partners and non-partners – can tell us which books they’d prefer that we not scan if we find them in a library. To allow plenty of time to review these new options, we won’t scan any in-copyright books from now until this November. [Google Blog: Making books easier to find]
Cnet has a story here, and John Batelle also comments.
Note: I did an entry on this as I was surprised not to see more comment. Of course, as soon as I looked up it was everywhere!