
Premis prize

Lorcan Dempsey 1 min read

The Premis Working Group has won the Digital Preservation Coalition’s award for the best work in digital preservation this year. The work is for the Premis Data Dictionary. Interestingly, the award is sponsored by Paul McCartney – an appropriate song reference escapes me. Maybe ‘the long and winding road’.
Congratulations go to Priscilla Caplan and Rebecca Guenther, who chaired the group, and to Brian Lavoie and Robin Dale, who were the OCLC and RLG liaisons, respectively. And to the hardworking members of the Group itself. This initiative marks the latest stage of the collaboration between RLG and OCLC in supporting the development of digital preservation frameworks. The group was made up of active participants from several countries, and this international composition was emphasized by the judging panel. From the DPC press release:

The judges were impressed by the work PREMIS has done in compiling a “data dictionary” identifying core digital preservation metadata, which they have supported with practical examples and a software protocol. A key factor in the decision was the international scope of PREMIS, and the consensus building and collaboration that is so crucial in so many digital preservation issues. [Digital Preservation Coalition – Press Releases – Digital Preservation Award 2005]

The Digital Preservation Coalition is a UK-based group. We should congratulate them for this award, as it is a nice way to showcase work in digital preservation.

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