Research ∕ Learning

QOTD: Digital libraries and archives

Lorcan Dempsey

From Seamus Ross’s keynote [PDF] at ECDL:

I might humbly suggest that digital libraries must adopt a theoretical stance. As I noted above, library science is devoid of theoretical foundations and of a knowledge-base that is relevant to the budding digital world. Archival science with its principles of uniqueness, provenance, arrangement and description, authenticity, appraisal, and its tool sets such as diplomatics, may offer us a framework for a theoretical foundation for digital libraries. [Digital preservation, archival science and methodological foundations for digital libraries. ECDL 2007 [PDF]]

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Research ∕ Learning

Teaching: one year in

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Lorcan Dempsey 13 min read

Lorcan Dempsey dot Net

The social, cultural and technological contexts of libraries, services and networks

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