
QOTD: predominant transportation method, texting and reading

Lorcan Dempsey 1 min read

Having moved from London to the Mid-west we are very aware of the impact of location on life-style, the switch from public transport to the car being a major example. In this context, I was interested to read this paragraph by Castells et al in Mobile communication and society: a global perspective which I am reading quickly to help me address a writing obligation in which I am currently delinquent 😉

Another critical difference between national systems is related to the predominant transportation method: in the States, for example, where most people drive their own cars, certain types of mobile communication activities (such as SMS) are less viable. In contrast, where public transport is the main means of movement (as in parts of Asia and Europe) people have a greater ability to use wireless technologies on-the-go and consequently develop expertise faster. [Mobile communication and society: a global perspective, p.37]

I sometimes wonder about reading in this regard, but have not done the work to see if there has been any research about the correlation between ‘predominant transportation method’ and reading levels. For example, I would read a newspaper on my way to work when I traveled by train or bus; I spend less time reading newspapers now that I drive.

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Lorcan Dempsey dot Net

The social, cultural and technological contexts of libraries, services and networks

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