Research ∕ Learning

Rehak's papers

Lorcan Dempsey

Dan Rehak is very active in the development of specifications in the learning technology arena. He is based at the Learning Systems Architecture Laboratory at Carnegie Mellon. Two recent papers intersect with our interests.

  1. Good&plenty, Googlezon, your grandmother and Nike: challenges for ubiquitous learning & learning technology [PDF]. This caught my eye for the silly reason that I have been using Amazoogle [ppt] as a way of characterizing what Dan calls Googlezon. It is a reflective piece on how to make it easy and simple to create, find and use online learning content.
  2. The appropriate version problem: separating learning designs and course structures from learning object versions, variants and copies. Here he looks at learning objects in the context of the FRBR model.
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Teaching: one year in
Research ∕ Learning

Teaching: one year in

I reflect on my first year of teaching at the iSchool in the University of Washington. A little about teaching. A little about Canvas, the library, and some software tools. A little about me and my learnings.
Lorcan Dempsey 13 min read

Lorcan Dempsey dot Net

The social, cultural and technological contexts of libraries, services and networks

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