
Sharing metadata

Lorcan Dempsey

The lightweight bibliographic apparatus of reading lists and citation managers is an important site of integration, I believe. Refshare is interesting in this context.

RefShare provides subscribing institutions and universities the ability to allow users to share their Refworks database or just specific folders from their RefWorks database with other users in their organization and in some cases even publicly. Certain users may also have permission to post their folders or databases on a shared page viewable by all RefWorks Users within their organization. [RefShare]

See the implementation at the University of Winnipeg.

University of Winnipeg eCommons::Index
eCommons::Index is a database of all publications produced by staff at the University of Winnipeg.
[Shared Folders for University of Winnipeg]

Spotted in Making Links.

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Lorcan Dempsey 7 min read

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