Research ∕ Learning

Social tools and science

Lorcan Dempsey

In her report on Open science at webscale, I was interested to see Liz Lyon give the following list of tools used to share their work by researchers.

Currently, researchers are using open science tools such as:

  • Connotea for reference management
  • Mendeley (which applies LastFM principles associated with music selections to journal articles)
  • Friendfeed (for threaded discussion and aggregation)
  • Scivee and YouTube (for sharing experimental methodologies and protocols)
  • SciLink and Nature Networks (for social networking)
  • myExperiment (for sharing workflows)
  • eyeLIMS (an open source Laboratory Information Management System)
  • (about science/laboratory culture in the literature and media)
  • ConceptWeb (from WikiProfessional and includes WikiPeople and WikiProteins)

From: Open science at webscale [PDF].

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Research ∕ Learning

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