
Some more public library reports

Lorcan Dempsey 1 min read

I have been looking at Public libraries of New Zealand – a strategic framework 2006 – 2016 [pdf]. Interesting to see somebody brave enough to talk about ten years out, and it takes a suitably general and aspirational perspective.
I discovered this in a press release which notes several new reports on UK public library issues which complement A research study of 14-35 year olds for the future development of public libraries [pdf] by Define Research and Insight Limited, noted in these pages a while ago. The reports are:
On the road again? The next e-innovations for public libraries [pdf] by Linda Berube.
Electronic books in public libraries: a feasibility study for developing usage models for Web-based and hardware-based electronic books [pdf] led by James Dearnley.
E-serials in UK public libraries: a survey of issues and practice [pdf] led by James Dearnley.
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