Stock ideas

Lorcan Dempsey

I was looking at iStockphoto earlier for something and on a whim searched for ‘library’. If stock photographs capture stock ideas about things, then it is clear what people still think about libraries ….
Incidentally, I liked the ‘flame’ coming out of the top of the images: it indicates how ‘hot’ an item is based on number of downloads.

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The narrative website: from signposting to storytelling

The narrative website: from signposting to storytelling

As we move from a collections-based to a relational library, storytelling becomes very important. One trend is the emergence of a stronger narrative or storytelling emphasis on websites, which helps position the library, promote its services, and address specific interests.
Lorcan Dempsey 16 min read

Lorcan Dempsey dot Net

The social, cultural and technological contexts of libraries, services and networks

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