

Comments about the site, or more personal observations or topics.

30 posts
Teaching: one year in
Research ∕ Learning

Teaching: one year in

I reflect on my first year of teaching at the iSchool in the University of Washington. A little about teaching. A little about Canvas, the library, and some software tools. A little about me and my learnings.
Lorcan Dempsey 13 min read
Celebrating Ohio

Celebrating Ohio

A temporary relocation makes me realize how much there is to like and to say about Ohio, where we have lived for the last 22 years. We moved to Ohio from the UK (and lived in Ireland before that). Here are some observations based on our travels around the State over the years.
Lorcan Dempsey 29 min read
Reflections .. on my last day at OCLC

Reflections .. on my last day at OCLC

Today is my last day at OCLC. After 21 years. I have been very lucky to have worked with some great people, to have influenced important work, and to have worked with librarians around the world. Here are some brief reflections as I prepare for the next chapter.
Lorcan Dempsey 8 min read
Working with Ghost: a review

Working with Ghost: a review

This site is built with Ghost and the Krabi template. I use it for blogging and as a professional home on the web. Why Ghost? Here are some initial thoughts. Ask me again in a year's time .
Lorcan Dempsey 16 min read
A new web presence: transitions and towers

A new web presence: transitions and towers

This is a new web presence for Lorcan Dempsey! My goal is to provide a contact point and to bring together various elements of my work, writing and career. In part I am influenced by the decentralizing impulse to control your own archive.
Lorcan Dempsey 5 min read

lorcan dempsey dot net

Deep dives and quick takes: libraries, society, culture and technology

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