

Some things don't go elsewhere

183 posts

The BBC on Ohio

> Culturally, Ohio has a large sample of Americans within its borders, largely because of the state’s settlement by
Lorcan Dempsey

Common solutions group

A group of universities collaborate on technical challenges within the Common Solutions Group [https://www.stonesoup.org/] (formerly the Stone
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Tim Bray and jobs

Tim Bray announces that he is looking for something new to do. He remains associated with Antarctica but would like
Lorcan Dempsey 1 min read

Sir Tim

As has been widely reported, Tim Berners Lee has accepted a knighthood. > Buckingham Palace said this week that Berners-Lee,
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Office space

Saw a ref to this Mercury News story on Slashdot. > At Cisco, employees without offices can use computers set
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D-Lib Magazine

A new issue of D-Lib Magazine [https://www.dlib.org/] has several interesting articles. The article on LEAF mentions VIAF,
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Library calendar

> The Renaissance Library Calendar 2004 12 colour photographs of beautiful old libraries, from 527AD to 1932, with brief history
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Downhill after 40

> Kasparov has been asked to enter politics – Russia’s answer to Arnold Schwarzenegger – but is undecided. Soon he may
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Lorcan Dempsey dot Net

The social, cultural and technological contexts of libraries, services and networks

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