The case of case

Lorcan Dempsey 1 min read

We spent a few days in Cleveland during the holiday period. I was interested to see how ‘visible’ Case Western Reserve University was, or should I say Case:

Case Western Reserve University is taking on a new look. This new identity represents how our progressive university is melding diverse people, entities, schools of thought and disciplines to create a more robust learning experience. The university’s legal name–Case Western Reserve University–remains unchanged.
To increase the likelihood that the name will be remembered, the identity reflects a shortened reference of the university’s name to “Case.” The university decided not to go with the CWRU acronym because it is more difficult to say and has very low name recognition outside of the immediate region.

Case aims to “become the most powerful learning environment in the world”.
The relationship between brand, visual identiry, reputation and other topics is discussed with respect to UK universities in an article in the current Times Higher Educational Supplement.

You paint branding as some monstrous King Kong of greed and corruption that from stalking the skyscrapers of the corporate world now turns its clammy palms and slavering maw to an ivory tower in pastoral setting where sensitive figures debate the eternal verities and cower from the hot breath of the brute that eyes his next chaste victims. [Education news & jobs at the Times Higher Education Supplement]

As we have discussed, ‘identity’ has been identified as an issue that OCLC needs to look at over the coming months.

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The narrative website: from signposting to storytelling

As we move from a collections-based to a relational library, storytelling becomes very important. One trend is the emergence of a stronger narrative or storytelling emphasis on websites, which helps position the library, promote its services, and address specific interests.
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The social, cultural and technological contexts of libraries, services and networks

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