
The Reader and the Law

Lorcan Dempsey 1 min read

Eddi Reader is a Scottish singer, formerly of Fairground Attraction. I was aware of Fairground Attraction but really only began listening to Eddi Reader a couple of years ago and she has become a favorite. [Worldcat Identity][Soundunwound]. She sings some wonderful songs, one of which I link to below. Her musical versions of Robbie Burns’ poems received wide attention a few years ago.
Derek Law is a Scottish librarian, who recently retired as Head of the Information Resources Directorate and University Librarian at the University of Strathclyde, Glasgow. Derek played a central role in the emergence of the national framework for information services and R&D now provided by JISC. Derek was an important figure in my career in various roles over the years, from when I first moved to the UK to join what eventually became UKOLN. He is now Chair of the Board of JISC Advance.
Imagine my pleasure recently, then, when I came across the following video on YouTube. It shows Derek Law introducing Eddi Reader as she is conferred with an honorary PhD by the University of Strathclyde.

There is a second part also. I notice that Eddi Reader has honorary PhDs from Glasgow Galedonian University, Strathclyde and Stirling University [Wikipedia].
Here is one of my favorite Eddi Reader songs …

Coda: Eddi Reader performed this song for a TED audience accompanied by Thomas Dolby. She also sang another.

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