
Twit-therapy .. a quick note

Lorcan Dempsey 1 min read

I am reading Bedsit Disco Queen: how I grew up and tried to be a pop star, a memoir by Tracey Thorn. Here is a quick note to record what I thought was an interesting discussion about Twitter.
Thorn writes about frustration with record company and producer, and goes on to say …

If I had a time machine and could go back in it, to this particular point, where the self-doubt and anxiety was beginning to set in and it felt like the walls were closing around us. I know exactly what I would do. I would invent Twitter.

I firmly believe that Twitter might have been my salvation. For instance, I could have come home from that depressing meeting at the record-company office and tweeted about it and got it off my chest, and you would all have tweeted back at me with supportive comments, witty put-downs and descriptions of similar experiences in your own workplace. We would have bonded over it , and I would have felt less alone and more like there were people out there who understood what I was on about and wanted me to keep going on about it. Just laughing about it would have defused its corrosive potential. Twitter is the arena in which we share all the shit, and laughing it off, and are made stronger. …. [Bedsit Disco Queen, p.194]

p.s. I am reading it in hardback as it is a book I would like to own and keep. And yes, as I discussed the other day, I do miss being able to highlight.
p.p.s. I am surprised they kept ‘bedsit’ in the title for a US audience.
The big hit on Jools ….

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