
User behaviors

Lorcan Dempsey 2 min read

My colleague Lynn Connaway has been working on several collaborative projects looking at user behaviors over the last few years. Together, she and colleagues have produced a nice body of work looking at user attitudes and behaviors to library services, and to information work more generally.
I thought it would be useful to pull together some publications which report on this work and list them here …..
Connaway, Lynn Silipigni, Marie L. Radford, and Timothy J. Dickey. 2008. “On the Trail of the Elusive Non-user: What Research in Virtual Reference Environments Reveals.” Bulletin of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 34,2 (December/January): 25-28. Available online in HTML or PDF (222K/4 pp.) from:
Connaway, Lynn Silipigni, Marie L. Radford, Timothy J. Dickey, Jocelyn De Angelis Williams, and Patrick Confer. 2008. “Sense-making and Synchronicity: Information-seeking Behaviors of Millennials and Baby Boomers.” Libri 58, 123-135.
Connaway, Lynn Silipigni. 2007. “Mountains, Valleys, and Pathways: Serials Users’ Needs and Steps to Meet Them. Part I: Identifying serials users’ needs: Preliminary analysis of focus group and semi-structured interviews at colleges and universities.” Serials Librarian, 52,1/2: 223-236. E-print available online at: (.pdf: 49K/14 pp.).
Connaway, Lynn Silipigni, with Marie L. Radford [first author]. 2007. “‘Screenagers’ and Live Chat Reference: Living Up to the Promise.” Scan, 26,1 (February): 31-39.
Connaway, Lynn Silipigni, and Marie L. Radford. 2007. “Service Sea Change: Clicking with Screenagers Through Virtual Reference.” Presented by Lynn Silipigni Connaway and Marie L. Radford at the Association of College and Research Libraries 13th National Conference, “Sailing into the Future – Charting Our Destiny,” 29 March – 1 April 2007, Baltimore, Maryland (USA), and forthcoming in the conference proceedings. Pre-print available online at: (.pdf: 68K/19 pp.).
Connaway, Lynn Silipigni, and Marie L. Radford. 2007. “The Thrill of the Chase in Cyberspace: A Report of Focus Groups with Live Chat Librarians.” Guest Forum, Informed Librarian Online (January). Available online at:
Prabha, Chandra, Lynn Silipigni Connaway, Lawrence Olszewski, & Lillie Jenkins. 2007. “What is enough? Satisficing information needs,” Journal of Documentation, 63,1(January):74-89. E-print available online at: (.pdf: 176K/18 pp.).

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