
Web 2.0 : a quick read

Lorcan Dempsey 1 min read

The Guardian supplement has a feature on Web 2.0 where they interview the founders of a set of internet companies (delicious, flickr, bebo, wordpress, blogger, Wikipedia, writely, netvibes, digg, and others). Interviews are short and each is asked what they think Web 2.0 is, what was their ‘big idea’ (to get everything on one page very easily, says Tariq Krim of NetVibes), and where things are going.
There are some nice quotes …

The photo-sharing sites that existed had as their paradign photo albums . Flickr came along and had the idea you no longer had an album, you had a photo stream. [Flickr, Caterina Fake and Stewart Butterfield | Weekend | Guardian Unlimited]

Gosh, I think it’s hubris to say it’s a big idea. I think it’s just about understanding that the internet isn’t just the world’s biggest library. [Technorati, David L Sifry | Weekend | Guardian Unlimited]

I’m going to make up a word: the next big thing online will be the ‘widgetisation’ of media. I think there will be a universal widget library that somebody will create that will allow both content creators and technology creators to say, ‘Here are ways of marrying this content and this tool so that it can be distributed anywhere.’ You can see why I’m not doing comedy any more. [Feed Burner, Dick Costolo | Weekend | Guardian Unlimited]

The next logical step after email. Email hasn’t changed since the day it was invented … all you know about the person who sent it is their email address – you can’t click through and delve deeper and connect in other ways. Social networking fills the gap. [Bebo, Michael and Xochi Birch | Weekend | Guardian Unlimited]

You’re going to start seeing much more of the web off the web. Things that are not intended to be consumed on the web but work on your mobile devices, on your PDAs, transportable with you everywhere. The web will be something you return to to do the heavy lifting of your computation, but for the most part you’re going to have very light devices. [Flickr, Caterina Fake and Stewart Butterfield | Weekend | Guardian Unlimited]

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Lorcan Dempsey dot Net

The social, cultural and technological contexts of libraries, services and networks

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