Research ∕ Learning

YALA - yet another layered architecture

Lorcan Dempsey 1 min read

Some interesting work from the Learning Systems Architecture Lab at CMU.

CORDRA (Content Object Repository Discovery and Registration/Resolution Architecture) is designed to be an enabling model to bridge the worlds of learning content management and delivery, and content repositories and digital libraries. CORDRA aims to identify and specify (not develop) appropriate technologies and existing interoperability standards that can be combined into a reference model that will enable several key capabilities.

  • Content, once authored, can be made widely available (subject to appropriate rights management).
  • Content can persist outside of the realm of a single course.
  • Content can be discovered.
  • Once discovered, there will be standard mechanisms to access the content (access is not specified, it might include transfer or delivery).
  • Content can be managed (e.g., has ownership, rights, persistence) and deploying organizations will be able to tailor management to their needs.
  • Implementations of the model will be open and flexible and will coexist and interoperate with existing systems.

[Learning Systems Architecture Lab: Carnegie Mellon LSAL]

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Research ∕ Learning

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